API Capabilities

Using the AEC Data Model API, you can perform the following actions:
- Retrieve all hubs that match a specific criterion, such as the name of the hub that you want. Only exact matches are currently supported.
- Retrieve a hub using a hub ID.
- Retrieve all projects that match the filter criteria from a specified hub.
- Retrieve a project using a project ID from a specified hub.
- Retrieve all top-level folders within a specified project.
- Retrieve all subfolders within a specified folder that meet the filter criteria.
- Retrieve a folder using the folder ID.
- Retrieve the latest design data based on design ID.
- Retrieve design by version number and design ID.
- Retrieve designs in the given hub using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve designs in the given project using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve designs in the given folder using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve element using element ID.
- Retrieve elements from given hub using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve elements from given project using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve elements from given folder using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve elements from given design using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
- Retrieve elements from given design and version by using additional RSQL filters, if provided.
For detailed information on the supported queries, objects, and inputs, refer to the API Reference section.